Welcome to the Victor Elementary School District's Important Forms and Policies page.
This section includes essential documents such as Title IX information, ensuring gender equality in education, and Williams Uniform Complaint procedures for addressing concerns about instructional materials and facilities. Additionally, under the Parent Notifications/Policies tab, you'll find various district policies, health forms, and enrollment details, crucial for maintaining transparency and a fair educational environment.
- Parent Notifications & Policies
- Williams Uniform Complaint
- Title IX Notification
- Field Trip Consent Forms
- Student Insurance
- Lunch Forms
Parent Notifications & Policies
Annual Parents' Rights Notification
VESD Independent Study
VESD Independent Study (Spanish)
Bus Camera Letter (English/Spanish)
Internet Safety Policy
Internet Safety Policy (Spanish)
Parent Notification Letter for Pesticide Application (English/Spanish)
School District Integrated Pest Management Plan (English/Spanish)
Surveillance Camera Notification (English/Spanish)
SARB Letter
SARB Letter (Spanish)
AB10 Letter
AB10 Letter (Spanish)
Williams Uniform Complaint
NOTICE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS/PUPILS/TEACHERS/STAFF Notificación para padres de familia, tutores legales, alumnos, maestros, y personal escolar
Education Code 35186 requires that the following notice be posted in each classroom:
El Código de Educación de California, artículo 35186 requiere que la siguiente notificación se fije en cada salón de clases:
1. There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. For there to be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials, each pupil, including English learners, must have a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home as defined in Education Code 60119.
1. Debe haber suficientes libros de texto y materiales de instrucción. Eso significa que cada alumno, incluyendo a los alumnos que aprenden el idioma inglés, debe tener un libro de texto o materiales de instrucción, o ambos, para usar en clase y llevar a casa, según lo define el Código de Educación 60119.
2. School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair as defined in Education Code 17002; and school restrooms must be cleaned, maintained, or kept open in accordance with Education Code 35292.5. Clean or maintained school restroom means a school restroom has been cleaned or maintained regularly, is fully operational, or has been stocked at all times with toilet paper, soap, and paper towels or functional hand dryers.
2. Las instalaciones escolares deben estar limpias, seguras, y deberán mantenerse en buen estado, según lo define el Código de Educación 17002; y los baños escolares deben estar limpios, mantenerse en buen estado o abiertos de acuerdo al Código de Educación 35292.5. Un baño limpio y con buen mantenimiento significa que un baño escolar ha sido limpiado o se le ha dado mantenimiento de forma regular, funciona debidamente, o siempre ha contado con rollo de papel, jabón, y tollas de papel o secador de manos funcional.
3. There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments as defined in Education Code 35186(h) (2) and (3). Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one- semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the semester for an entire semester. Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential.
3. No deben existir plazas vacantes de maestros ni asignaciones incorrectas de maestros según lo define el Código de Educación 35186(h) (2) y (3). Vacante de maestro significa una plaza a la que un maestro acreditado no ha sido asignado al inicio del año y por todo un año, o si la plaza es para un curso de un semestre, una plaza a la que un maestro acreditado no ha sido asignado al inicio del semestre y por un semestre completo. Una asignación incorrecta significa la colocación de un empleado certificado en una plaza o área de servicios para la cual no cuenta con los títulos o acreditaciones reconocidas legalmente.
If you feel we are not adequately meeting these requirements, you have the right to file a complaint with the principal of this school.
Si usted considera que no estamos cumpliendo de forma adecuada con estos requisitos, usted tiene el derecho de presentar una queja ante el director de esta escuela.
To file a complaint regarding the above matters, complaint forms can be obtained at the principal’s office.
Para presentar una queja sobre los asuntos anteriormente descritos, puede dirigirse a la oficina del director y solicitar un formulario de queja.
All complaints must be resolved within 30 days.
Todas las quejas deben ser resueltas dentro de los primeros 30 días.
Revised 10/08
Title IX Notification
1. The District’s Title IX Coordinator
2. Summary of Student Rights (Education Code section 221.8)
For more information regarding student rights under Title IX, please visit:
The California Office of Equal Opportunity at http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/di/eo/genequitytitleix.asp.
The United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights at https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/title-ix-rights-201104.html.
3. The School’s Responsibilities
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in programs and activities of federally funded institutions. School district programs and activities must be operated free from discrimination. Key areas addressed by Title IX include: athletics; sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual violence; pregnant and parenting students; off-campus activities; recruitment and admission; and employment. Schools must protect against discrimination in these areas. Schools must also prohibit retaliation against any person for opposing an unlawful practice or policy, or filing, testifying about, or participating in any complaint under Title IX.
For more information about schools’ responsibilities under Title IX, please visit:
The California Office of Equal Opportunity at http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/di/eo/titleixnotification.asp.
The United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights at https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html.
4. How to File a Title IX Complaint
Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against in violation of Title IX may file a complaint directly with the District (contact information is shared above for your reference) or the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). If a crime is involved, such as sexual assault, individuals may also file a report with the local police department. A person may pursue one or all of these avenues at the same time. Below is a summary of each process.
A. District Complaint
Title IX complaints may be filed using the District’s uniform complaint procedure, Board Policy 1312.3.
Time Requirement:
A complaint with the District must be filed within six months of the discrimination occurring or your awareness of the discrimination (5 CCR 4630(b)).
If you have any questions about this time limit, or if you believe your complaint may be outside this time requirement but want to explore other options, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Investigation Procedure:
Upon receipt of any complaint related to a potential Title IX violation, the District will ensure every allegation is investigated promptly, adequately and impartially. The District will also take steps to protect all complainants from retaliation and ensure all parties are treated fairly throughout the District’s investigation process. As part of its Title IX obligations, the District also takes steps to prevent recurrence of any sexual violence and remedy discriminatory effects on the complainant and others, as appropriate. The District’s procedure for investigating a Title IX complaint can be found at Board Policy 1312.3.
C. Police Report
To file a police report, please contact San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. Victor Elementary School District contracts with deputies directly in this department:
Field Trip Consent Forms
Student Insurance
Lunch Forms
Religious Belief Form - Please fill out this form if your child should avoid certain foods due to religious beliefs.
Special Meals and/or Accommodations Form - This form is to be used when: Participant has a disability or a medical condition and requires a special meal or accommodation. Participant does not have a disability, but is requesting a special meal or accommodation due to food intolerance(s) or other medical reasons.
Declaración médica para solicitar comidas especiales o adaptaciones - Este formulario es utilizado por los padres / tutores de tener una autoridad médica prescriben comidas especiales o adaptación durante las comidas , que son necesarios debido a una discapacidad o razón médica .